About us

AATF is the educational and business coaching component of TLJ Professional Services Inc. We bring to you over 35 years experience in business, finances, taxes and so much more.

AATF Founder and CEO, Tracy L Tate (Jones), has a Masters in Business, Accounting and Public Administration.

We create courses to help you in your business journey!

What We Believe...

- Knowledge is power

- You can do any and everything you set your mind to

- Confidence comes from knowledge and experience

- Education enhances your knowledge

- Your mindset influences your actions

- An idea is a thought, not a plan or a goal

“Take it One Day at a Time, One Step at a Time!"
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”

lets chat

Building Community And Making Connections Is What We Do!

We’d Love to Hear from You!


66 Franklin Street

Ste #300

Oakland, Ca 94607



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